Home Forums Game Frame Wi-Fi Adapter IFTTT Question


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    So I though I would switch the Gameframe into FX mode every quarter past the hour and then back to slideshow every half past the hour. But somehow the change does not work. I do send “display 2” and now I am wondering if I need to split this up into sending “display” and then “2” as a second argument? So do I set the command to “display”, then add an ingredient and that is “2” for FX?

    If so, you might want to clarify that in the documention.

    Thank you and Grüße aus Deutschland, Boris

    Jeremy Williams

    You need to use the “command” function and send the argument “display 2” (no quotes).

    Pro tip, instead of integers 0, 1, or 2, you can use the following words:

    gallery, graphics, pictures, animation, animations
    clock, time
    effect, effects


    Found the problem. Somehow on one of my IFTTT commands the “Command” function became a “Next”.

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