Home Forums Game Frame Technical Support Updating firmware on kickstarter GameFrame

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  • #4811

    My kickstarter version of the Game Frame has been down for a few years due to the often encountered ‘SD ERROR’ issue, but this week I finally got around to replacing the SD card and copying over the required system files and animations.

    Then I realised that my firmware didn’t support the ‘finish’ flag in the config.ini files. So, I ordered an USB to FTDI cable, found the source code with the required functionality, downloaded version 1.0.1 of arduino but got caught out on the sdfat libraries.

    Long story short, if you end up like me trying to find a compatible version of this library then let me save you some time because they can be found here:


    Maybe they can be found elsewhere but I couldn’t find them, certainly not in greiman’s github sdfat repository. I can’t help but wonder how many of us are left out there with a kickstarter Game Frame but mine is now up and running again and I still love it.

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