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I took the non responsive Game Frame and did the following test setup.

1) teensy from the unresponsive GF
2) tennsy from the responsive GF
3) and wifi chip

Test 10 klicks on remote from a defined distance (around 2 Meters) and defined hight (around hight of Fame Frame top)
3 runs
counting responsive and unresponsive

This are the results:
Round one: 6 responsive 4 not recognized
Round two: 6 responsive 4 not recognized
Round three: 6 responsive 4 not recognized
Round one: 6 responsive 4 not recognized
Round two: 6 responsive 4 not recognized
Round three: 6 responsive 4 not recognized
3 times 10 all responsive

I know ist odd that ist 6 out of 10 all the time for the teensys but it was at different places means different patterns.
The result is that only the wifi is 100% responsive and both teensys are not good in the unresponsive Frame. They behave the same.